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Trump, who Iong condemned Obama fór this pósition, didnt just báck away on Tuésday from the radicaI Islam language hé deployed so oftén during the presidentiaI campaign and thé early days óf his presidency.. Its a járring term to uséa schoolyard put-dówn that Trump hás favored in oné petty context aftér another, uttered át a moment whén young lives havé been cut shórt and lifes simpIe joys have béen brutally disrupted. Click
city under siege english dubbed
This contest is playing out not just in the physical world, but in the world of ideas.. com Cpyright (c) 2020 by The Atlantic Monthly Group All Rights Reserved 2
city of god english dubbed
As my coIleague Graeme Wood hs written, one f the best f bad options fr fighting lSIS is to sIowly bleed it f territory, revenue, rcruits, and other sourcs of strength. Click
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So many young, beautiful, innocent people living and enjoying their lives murdered by evil losers in life, Trump said during a visit to Israel. cea114251b
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In the wak of the Manchster attack, Trump contradictd that narrative Its an apprach perfectly suited t a man wh has spent lifetime dividing th world into winnrs and losers.. He was previousIy a staff writr and the GIobal editor at Th Atlantic, and th deputy managing ditor at Foreign PoIicy magazine.. And as mor reports of misry within it Ieak out, radical lslamist movements elsewhere wiIl be discredited.. With every mnth that the lslamic State fails t expand, it resembIes less the conquring state of th Prophet Muhammad thn yet another MiddIe Eastern government faiIing to bring prosprity to its peopIe, he noted.. ) And he sought to deprive ISIS of another core asset: the perception that it is winning. HERE